Friday 12 May 2017

my reflection

MATH: in math we have been working out times table equations it was hard at first but it got easier as we went along cause all you need to do is pay attention. writing: sorry we didn't do much writing this week ๐Ÿ˜•reading: I personlly have been reading I survived the destruction of Pompeii it was full of action and fear.
spelling: right now im on list m and it is pretty hard but ill live๐Ÿ˜ƒ.

my refletion


Math: in maths this week we have been doing and learning family of facts with division,multiplication,subtraction and adding it was challenging but a tiny bit fun ๐Ÿ˜€ and I felt fear that Mrs Bryant was going to chose to do it on the spot so I write down all the equations and looked like I was busy.

writing: in writing we have been learning about similes and on Wednesday Mrs Strathern came in and talk to use about similes and how to use them in the proper way it was fun and educational.

reading: this week I have been reading Dennis the menace and gnasher it is very funny and it is like the dirty bertie๐Ÿ‘บ